15 March, 2008

The tradesmen's entrance

The wife and I have had to take a week off work to have new windows and doors fitted. It was a very unsettling experience having workmen taking over the house and we couldn't go anywhere so we were, as they say, confined to quarters. Also, the sugar! After their constant demands for sweet tea all we've got left now is a teaspoon and a few hard lumpy bits . Still it's worth it and we're all snug and Upvc'ed up now which will please the green folk amongst you.
NOW, the Nigella experience, I've decided to dump the idea, it's not because it's too much of a mountain to climb it's more shallow than that, it's the Delia effect. Since Delia's new show started on Monday night Ms Lawson's stock is in freefall and I kind of want to distance myself, a bit like when a rat deserts a sinking ship. So that's that and all about it.
I managed to get myself that Duffy cd this week, I like it but the wife and I both think that all this 6o's sounding music which is engulfing the charts - I'm thinking Adele and Amy Whinehouse etc - has made listening to the radio these days a bit like watching an episode of Heartbeat!

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