16 May, 2005

How exciting. I have a new name, a new role in life, a new position in the family hierachy - I am Aunty Lola! The little baby - who shall remain nameless....only because I don't think they have decided - was born last night at 11.20pm weighing in at a considerably hefty Imperial sized 91bs 12oz. I'm ever so pleased, now I have an excuse to splash out in Woolworths at Christmas. I'm off to see the little dumpling tonight. I shall take the box brownie with me.

I hope they let me in, I have an air of garlic about me. I've been marinated in the stuff this weekend. Friday night Dawn and Dave - the Double D's - came down to visit us in our modest seaside flat. We went out for a lovely Italian nosh up and painted the Georgian/Victorian seaside town, which boasts and attractive pier, red. We had such a fab time that Saturday was used for complete relaxation and the polishing off of our Kath and Kim dvds.

More garlic with a joint of lamb in the evening and then more yesterday, when we lunched in an Italian restaurant full of comfortably off old dears. There is something of the Med about my odour. Tonight we are out celebrating my Super Step Dad's birthday - I think I shall plump for something bland, innocuous and no challenge to the palette.

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