13 May, 2005

I've just had a brush with the dark arts. Well, I thought I had. I've just been to make the tea and my pal Jane Lofthouse-Smith (double barreled in more ways than one) told me that she would be at the rear, in the warehouse. I said I'd bring her out her tea when ready.

I duly minced out with the tray of hot beverages but there was no sign of Lofty. "Lofty" I said "Lofty, where are you?" Then, there was a commotion and a flurry of feathers and out flew a wood pigeon.

I nearly dropped the tray in 'orror. Lofty had been changed into a bird! I know it happens with cats but Wood Pigeons I was not familiar with. I scuttled off back to my workstation with my eyes tightly closed.

I met Lofty on the way back, smiling serenely, she said she'd been down to reception but I knew better.......

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