27 November, 2004
25 November, 2004
As this has been going on for four years now it struck me that I have lost the ability to do my own packing. It's almost like one of those languages that a small tribe in South America have used for centuries but due to modern influence has slowly died out. Will I ever be able to think ahead or fold a shirt neatly ever again? I don't think I could.
24 November, 2004
My handsome big brother is flying off to New York today. What a jet set life we all lead these days. I've asked him to bring me something back ofcourse, I don't know what. The novelty of having something that one can't buy oneself is still very great with me. it can be quite ruinous though. When I am in the supermarkets of europe I often buy stuff just because of the funny writing regardless of contents. Not for me fine perfume, lace or chocolates no, I prefer bubble bath with silly names, tins of milk with strange kids on and jars of marinated kippers.
23 November, 2004
22 November, 2004
17 November, 2004
The ladyfriend wants nothing. I had to interrogate her in a Lindy England style and still it was like pulling teeth.
16 November, 2004
The ladyfriend and I were very impressed with the place which has retained a couple of their 'regulars' from the pub's former incarnation. My favourite in particular, was a pissed old soldier in his army blazer who walked through the dining room several times. He seemed to know the Ladyfriend....
15 November, 2004
On Saturday the ladyfriend and I were on our way home to attend a function in High Wycombe. Our journey along the A22 went swimmingly. As we approached the M25 we were taken a back at the number of arctic lorries going in the opposite direction. We soon realised when we clicked on the tranny that there had been a nasty accident. We were stuck for hours, we eventually limped home four hours after setting out, terribly tired and grumpy. It spoilt the night. We missed the function due to a lorry driver's decision. It's the butterfly in the jungle.
Yesterday was lovely. We went to the Country Living Christmas Fayre with my Wonderful Mother and Super Step Dad. The ladyfriend and I got a bit squiffy with a wine tasting lecture, nibbled on bits of cheese and dipped our fingers in balsamic vinegar. It was an exceptional day out.
10 November, 2004
It's all down to the yuppies moving in and stealing our pavements with their Chelsea Tractors but in this case I've decided to make an exception. I've longed all my life to have a 'local', a place where everyone knows my name. Somewhere I can call in and have a stiff one after work, play for their shove happeny team.....although I doubt it's that kind of establishment. It's one of the reasons the WI has always appealed.
I daresay all my illusions will be shattered on Sunday. The menu will probably be pacific rim, they won't do draught and the fireside seats will be taken by women who look like Nigella Lawson without the charm.
09 November, 2004
I lent over and guided myself into the long unused cups, steadied my feet, mentally prepared myself and then, with a huge 'snatch and grab', I stood upright. The room span a bit as I tried to do the contraption up but it was no use, like the weightlifter who has taken on too much I dropped the mammaries and the bra went crashing to the floor.
I have decided to boost M&S profits this weekend and buy up the lingerie department.
08 November, 2004
04 November, 2004
My right hand is now swarming with microscopic bacteria, dna and faint odour. The study of which would make a diverting documentary. Scientists would find traces of boy racer, murderer, librarian and taxi driver.......I could, in effect, have the whole world in my hands.
Back on the subject of the American Election, I saw a bible belt Christian on the tv this morning talking about his vote for Bush. When asked about the huge turnout of anti-gay, pro-life electorate he said, "The religious voter is the right voter because the religious make the best decisions."
I've heard old Tony Blair is turning toward the Catholic church, with queer bashing returning to the streets of London the world has become a more dangerous place this week.
03 November, 2004
Just wait and see, after Iraq he'll invade Iran and wont stop there. I'd be worried in Ireland......he's clearly going through alphabet.
02 November, 2004
America are going to the poles, I was watching the news and they were lining up in the name of democracy. The queues were snaking for yards and yards. I don't think I could wait that long to cast my vote. I've heard rumbles that we will be having an early election. I'm not happy with Labour, they've become a bit of a menace to society, especially that Harriet Harman she always looks like someone you'd see infront of you at Tesco packing offal into her bag, ruddy faced with a gold chain poking out of her poloneck. I like my MPs to have an other worldliness about them.....like Robin Cook, Glenda Jackson and Michael Heseltine. Not Harriet, she looks like a stay-at-home mum with issues. Not someone you want making life altering decisions.
01 November, 2004
I did manage to stock up handsomely with wine and mustard though. Clive's car was rattling like a milk float all the way home from Dover. It has been put aside for a cheery Christmas.....a cheery Christmas indeed!!!
By the way, thanks to Danni and Steph for three new pictures of Lucy's party.