04 November, 2004

I was filling the car up with petrol this morning and thought 'blast', each time I go to the pumps it is my intention to cover my hand in someway so I don't have to hold something next to my skin that thousands of other people have held. It makes me feel violated for days. The numbers had raced up to £3.00 + before I remembered the need for protection.

My right hand is now swarming with microscopic bacteria, dna and faint odour. The study of which would make a diverting documentary. Scientists would find traces of boy racer, murderer, librarian and taxi driver.......I could, in effect, have the whole world in my hands.

Back on the subject of the American Election, I saw a bible belt Christian on the tv this morning talking about his vote for Bush. When asked about the huge turnout of anti-gay, pro-life electorate he said, "The religious voter is the right voter because the religious make the best decisions."

I've heard old Tony Blair is turning toward the Catholic church, with queer bashing returning to the streets of London the world has become a more dangerous place this week.

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