21 June, 2004

With the warmth of the season caressing the land, the celebration of the Summer Solstice brings forth a truly joyous recognition that we can now enjoy the fruits of our labors in the past season - indeed! Merry summer solstice to you all. Let's hope our boys can stick it in the back of the net tonight. I felt for the spaniards last night, oh how I too have looked on in bewilderment as my England have thrown it all away. Off with Owen and on with Luther Blisset, s'wat I say.

Talking of strapping sporty people, the Eastbourne tennis championships were a hit with the ladyfriend and I on Friday. We got to see Martina thwack a few balls. I didn't realise she was a grunter. Perhaps the tv microphone doesn't pick up her "hurruph" when she hits the ball, like a pipistrelle bat she is out of range. She's certainly slowed down a tad. Her fan base were there, my word. Eastbourne was wall to wall sensible shoes this weekend it was like mardi gras.

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