17 June, 2004

I've already ruined someone's day. Last night I turned on my mobile phone to find that I had received a voice mail 'oh goody' I thought. Anyway, I listened to it and it was no one I knew "Hello Marge, I'll see you outside New Look at 9.30, see you tomorrow, bye"

This morning at 9.15 my mobile rang. "Oh sorry, I've got the wrong number." Then it rang again "Oh, Marge?"
"No" says I "I'm awfully sorry" I told her that she had called me last night and what a terrible mistake had been made. She sounded quite panic striken.

Now I can't help but worry about Marge and this poor woman outside New Look. I don't know where she was or what town she was in, but somewhere Marge was unaware that she had to be outside New Look at 9.30, I wonder if she was reading the paper waiting for Trisha to come on. Perhaps she was fast asleep dreaming of riding a pony in her youth.

A day ruined by a slippery digit.

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