22 June, 2004

Thank god for the spotty kid with downs. One has to ask though, what's up with Owen? Are Ladbrokes taking bets, is it drink, drugs or insanity? Off with Owen or the pitch will look like a butcher's block as we are slashed to ribbons by Portugal on Thursday.

Thank God the ladyfriend and I will be watching Lypsinka at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on Thursday night. We shall be secluded from the rollercoaster of excitement in the outside world. Last night was bad enough, I went out to dead head the petunias at one point.

So happy, this morning I caught the end of News Round where they showed film of a Mexican attempt to cook the worlds biggest Taco. I love record attempts with food. Huge pancakes, massive pumpkins, wonderful. All these mexicans were grinning with pride as they laid out their savoury snack for the world's media. Good old News Round.

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