05 March, 2008

If you're wise, exercise all the fat off

I've turned into a bit of a gym bunny or should I say slug and as a result I have developed a keen interest in all things 'elfy like so you can imagine my joy when I discovered the array of health and fitness magazines at the supermarket. They come with free bits and bobs and indigestible cereal bars glued to the front.

I bought one the other day called Natural Health Magazine. On the front cover it said 'Cleanse your body and soul in 14 days'. NOW, I'm no expert but surely claiming you can cleanse your soul in a fortnight is a trifle ambitious. I am thinking of the recent high profile murder cases last week for a start. Do you suppose if they gave all the lags in Belmarsh a copy each it would be a boon to criminal reform? I don't think so.

I think it's very misleading and the Features Editor's head should roll. I myself have a few episodes in life which I am not proud of and I'm sure they won't be absolved with sit ups and a few cups of camomile tea.

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