01 March, 2005

It's the Ladyfriend's first day at work today. I dropped her off this morning, she was very anxious. I left her there in the snow with enough bus fare to come home if the people were nasty. I have not heard anything yet so I am assuming all is well.

I've bought myself a new mobile phone. The first time I have ever had a brand new one. I have always thought them rather expensive and have eyed them with suspicion but there was a sale on and I now have a T-mobile c1200. It's nothing fancy I assure you but it does have polyphonic noises which appeal.

It's really confusing though because there are so many buttons and things I've got to do, the book is a nightmare. I need a youngster to help me with it. I'd like to have a nice ringtone, something from the hit parade. I'd cut a dash in the Co-Op with something ritzy blaring from my pocket.

At work each day I get snippets of all manner of tunes eminating from bags, blazers and desks. They're really loud.......actually, it's rather annoying.

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