02 March, 2005

I don't know about you but I find youngsters terrifying. If the ladyfriend and I have to venture out to the High Street or - God forbid - the shopping mall of a Saturday my heart beats wildly in my chest. It's not for the love of the latest fashions but through fear. I scuttle by McDonalds with wings on my heels as youths congregate, spit and use colourful language outside. It makes me shudder.

The girls are the worst, and they're so big. I remember be scared stiff of Imelda Davies (pictured) from Grange Hill and I don't recall her packing a blade. I'm not sure if female emancipation was such a good idea. If young women aren't shop lifting, smoking, spitting, having babies or binge drinking they are laying seige to the shopping precints, bullying shoppers and demanding money with menacies. The Two Ronnies certainly were on to something with The Worm That Turned.

No doubt if any of them are brought to justice an ASBO would be worn with pride. If you ask me we should put all these horrible girls in the army and send them off to Iraq. That'll bring peace to the middle east.

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