19 May, 2004

Clive and I were in conversation the other day and the subject turned to pedestrian crossings. You've got your pelican, puffin, zebra and toucan. We were deeply puzzled as to why the highway code people decided to call crossings after creatures which, let's face it, are hardly indigenous to this country. (Puffin numbers in decline and restricted to the Shetlands.) It was probably one of those lunatic ideas of "Hands across the nations or a ploy to fill the UK's zoo's with curious children and quizzical adults with disposable income.

Anyway, we were thinking do you suppose there are crossings in deepest, darkest Africa called Hedgehog, Badger, Black Bird and Duck? I doubt it.


Anonymous said...

Nice front page, can`t read it though.

Anonymous said...

A). Pedestrian refuges - central island without formal control
B). Zebra Crossing - Pedestrian crossing without traffic signals
C). Pelican Crossing - Pedestrian crossing with traffic signals
D). Puffin Crossing - Pedestrian crossing with traffic signals at eye level above button press
E). Toucan Crossing - As Pelican Crossing but incorporates cycling facilities