18 May, 2004

Did I tell you about the folk music? Well, I love it. On Friday I borrowed several cds from the library and copied them immediately. Steeleye Span and Pentangle. I love old Maddy Prior anyway so that wasn't anything new but that Pentangle gang are something else. I must admit to skipping a few tracks but I love "Light Flight". I also intend to get the Brass Monkey album.

I need a folk enthusiast to take me under their wing and guide me through the folk scene. Mike Harding is great but I only have an hour a week with him on Radio 2. Folk music is the new rock 'n' roll, just you see. Remember Brit Pop? that bubble has long burst, now it's trendy to be into folk.

Personally I think it's great as it reclaims Britain's identity which has been sacrificed on the altar of the European parliament. Big up to Kilroy by the way. I was saying to the ladyfriend the other day that there was little joy in visiting other countries. The novelty is gone. What's the point of going into a supermarket in Athens and seeing the same brands as the stock in the corner Happy Shopper? Once, tucking into tapas in Spain was a one off treat for the well travelled and adventurous. I'm sure this summer a group of Northern telesales girls will jet off to Greece, sit in a bar and eat mousakka and say "it's allright but it aint as nice as the Sainsbury's 'Be good to yourself' mousakka".

By the way, join me and stick your fingers up at Starbucks, we are English we don't do coffee - DRINK TEA. I know it's fiddly with the bag and the milk but it's what this country was built on. In times of crisis you don't want a Latte you want a Rosie!

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