Now the teenyboppers of today have to worry about being blown to bits in Claire's Accessories by Al Qaeda. I wonder if they were intent on blowing up the new Chimes shopping centre in Uxbridge? I hope not, I rather like UniGlo.
31 March, 2004
30 March, 2004
Finally got porridge whilst digesting scenes of Britney Spears which stuck in my throat. Made a healthy balanced meal for the ladyfriend and I for lunch (does feta cheese go off in the fridge? Mine had a bit of a twang.) Noted that the looney lady next door is abscent, I think she may have been taken back into care.
Got to the bathroom with a steaming kettle only to find the water was warm enough atlast. Hoorah.
Got in the car and we started to sing "You do something to me" (not Weller) finished singing and I said "You should always start the day with Cole Porter" but the ladyfriend replied "Yes and not cold water!" We laughed! We shall dine out on that one for months to come.
29 March, 2004
Woke this morning to gentle bird song and the odd car zooming by, I thought to myself ten years ago it would have been quieter, a hundred years ago quieter still and then five hundred years ago you'd be hard pressed to hear a milk maid, infact my bed would have probably been a wooded glade.
25 March, 2004
Had a smashing time last night. Went to Pizza Express with my gentleman friend. The ladyfriend went out herself to dine with an old friend. Freaky thing was, unbeknownst to us we were only a few doors away from each other as she was in the Saracens Head!
Hearty thanks to Mr C and Mr D, we are now the proud owners of a Robinson Crusoe casserole pan.
24 March, 2004
Tonight I am dining with a gentleman friend in Beaconsfield, a place where tills ring the loudest in the evening as the whole town has been converted into restaurant world. It is almost like a theme town. It is most unsettling to think that once there were ordinary shops and the hum of a community now it has been replaced with multinational food emporiums and the hum of an extractor fan.
23 March, 2004
I do have a lot to look forward to, tis true. My Eddi Reader tickets arrived this morning, there is the Elaine Paige Experience in June, the thought of two weeks on Eastbourne beach and a 25% off evening at Cargo on Thursday - a whirlwind indeed.
I shall try to wring out 100% enjoyment from every 60 minutes or atleast try and clockwatch a little less.
19 March, 2004
By the way Super Stepdad, I was plugged into my modem.
18 March, 2004
It's Mother's Day this weekend and I will be spending Sunday with my Wonderful Mother. I am very lucky I have a WM, the lady who lives next door is a right rotter - I heard screams through the thin walls this morning.......
17 March, 2004
Talking of being artistic, the ladyfriend and I have just finished watching the BBC's 'The Divine Michelangelo' which we had videod. It was exceptional, also, that Gunpowder and plot thing on sunday was brilliant. It seems, like the council, there is a mad rush to spend our money on stuff before the end of the financial year. In the case of the council we get roadworks with the BBC we get something worth watching. Better I suppose a few hours of good tv then many mediocre.
The ladyfriend had a point this morning, on our way to work she said "I wonder if Osteopaths look at people as they drive along and think 'sit up straight woman' or 'raise your head man' I wonder if they ever switch off?" she said.
16 March, 2004
I've a bugger of a mouth ulcer this week, I know what did it, last week I abused my body with too much wine, little sleep and hard work. The kitchen in Eastbourne looks brilliant because of it but I feel spectacularly rough. I am rather run down and am in need of rest and recouperation.
11 March, 2004
10 March, 2004
09 March, 2004
On the motorway on Sunday I saw a small family car with a girl in the back sucking her thumb with her head pressed up against the window, her hair was lank and the pallour of her face was grey, her eyes lacked sparkle and I think I saw dribble. She was about 28. She was obviously a 'funny' kid locked in time with a mental age of 6 and destined to wear tracksuits and to be dosed up to the eyeballs on medication. Trapped with the mind of a child but the body of a woman.
She was oblivious to being overdrawn, to getting up for work, to bank loans, to buying car tax, to making pesto, to drinking red wine, the complexities of love, the joy of current affairs and the anger at GM crops.
Has she been dealt a bad card from the deck of life or is she flush with contentment? She's probably more enlightened than the biggest buddha going.
08 March, 2004
I was in the bath this morning and I had one of those moments of realisation. I was flapping my feet about and was looking at the water and the refracting waves (the transmission of wave through dense media) and I was thinking how people like Da Vinci and his like made all those discoveries that benefit all man kind. I then thought, I'm not going to be one of those people who do that or for that matter engineer bridges like Brunel, I'm just going to gently pass through this world trying to leave as little mess as possible. It made me feel quite content and rather happy. Why anyone wants to be famous is beyond me, better a life spent in quiet disbelief than one imbued with self dillusion.
06 March, 2004
04 March, 2004
I remember the ladyfriend sending me text messages every time a goal was being scored, I thought she was taking the piss, but realising my present company was, I duly left the pub and drove off into the night with nothing but grim reality for company.
03 March, 2004
I saw an old man this morning who looked like Mr Nicholls (an old gentleman I knew in my childhood, I wonder what became of Mr Nicholls?
02 March, 2004
Saw a lady at the bus stop on the way to work this morning with a very strange broach stuck on her coat. It was a big piece of round metal, sort of like the end of an IKEA curtain pole, perhaps it was one. Ladies of a certain age always have to pin something onto their coats for extra flourish. I prefer a fox foot myself.
01 March, 2004
It could be that coming out of a dark church into the Eastbourne sunlight is too much for the retina to take but that Jonathan Edwards is always squinting and he is a man of great faith. It may be far fetched but it is worth considering nonetheless.