25 March, 2004

You know, I am sitting here at work at too early an hour, I am losing badly at online scrabble, I am unable to conjure any enthusiasm to work, everything is going on around me and I feel like I am having an out of body experience. I have my headphones on and I am listening to an Eddi Reader cd, I have just replied to an email sent to me from this bloke and I can think of a 1,000,000 and 1 things I'd rather be doing than uploading the Ealing Times website. Still life goes on and, like the tide coming in, the day is on the turn and before I know it I will be knee deep and will have rather too much on my plate. I will start that tense tightening of my chest, forget to breathe and work too hard.

Had a smashing time last night. Went to Pizza Express with my gentleman friend. The ladyfriend went out herself to dine with an old friend. Freaky thing was, unbeknownst to us we were only a few doors away from each other as she was in the Saracens Head!

Hearty thanks to Mr C and Mr D, we are now the proud owners of a Robinson Crusoe casserole pan.

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