19 January, 2004

Went to Hastings on Saturday, my goodness it was cold, bitter. We ducked into a small tea shop which you couldn't swing a cat in. There were four tables in a back room which we squeezed into. The place filled up within no time and there were ten of us in the end.

Our waitress was a male to female in his/her first year of hormone therapy. 6ft tall baritone with a full face of slap, it was very, very strange. Good on him. Such bravery. Hastings is a very 'northern' feeling town on the south coast and I bet the cafe is a little bit of sanctuary for him.

It was very bohemian, the front of the shop sells lovely delicatessen delectables in olive oil. Infact a couple came in with a little girl of about 4 years old. Instead of cake the girl wanted a plate of olives. When asked which kind her mother replied "she normally likes them marinaded with feta". It could of been precocious and very new labour but it wasn't, it was fabulous. I intend to return.

Another place I would like to return to is Albert's in Spain, my pictures and a sound file of the Albert's can been seen/heard if you click here

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