05 January, 2004

Feeling slightly off-piste today, bit under the weather, I have a little sniffle which is really not worth describing. Added to that, I have developed a neck ache from rolling over in bed this morning - I mean, I ask you? How ridiculous.

So I am a little fractious and that's the truth.

I had a rather pleasant weekend down by the coast. We went for a rather enjoyable ramble along the beach on Saturday. Stopping for a coffee at the Italian Ice-cream parlour (highly recommended.) I took my camera and snapped away at the old bits of driftwood, rusted up fishing boats and this and that.

I stumbled on a lovely old boat which was in rather a poor state, it's propeller was green with age and I decided to go in for a close up. As I was preparing my composition I became aware of someone at hand. I looked up and this chap who looked like Catweazle said "Do you like Clinker boats?" I said "You what mate?" and he replied "I've got the world's biggest clinker boat in this shed would you like a look?"

I immediately thought Ian Brady so called out to the ladyfriend who, by now, was half way up the beach. With some reluctunce she came back and we went into his shed.

Inside were two enormous clinker boats as promised and this lovely chap told us their history. I couldn't capture them on camera they were so vast. I can only compare them to the huge blue whale in the Natural History Museum.

He was alive with enthusiasm which was remarkable as it was perishing cold. He let us climb all over the vessels and showed us how they were built. Our favourite was the Southern Queen which you too can learn all about by clicking here.

It has set the ladyfriend and I off and we are heading off to the Boat Show next week to become salty sea dogs - I already have a blue striped t-shirt so I am ahead of the ladyfriend already.

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