20 November, 2003

I tried sitting on a new chair this morning as the chair I normally sit in here at work squeaks intolerably, trouble is, I seem to have adapted myself to my old chair. I respond to the bounce as I throw myself on it, when I lean backwards there is just enough resistance that it is a comfort. The new one is far too flimsy, when I lean backward I just keep going, it's not nice. Also, it has some strange moulding on the back support (possibly orthopaedic?) but I don't like it, not nice. I have therefore gone back to the squeaky one.

This weekend I am on a Flash course - to those that don't know, Flash is that annoying stuff that happens on websites that take ages to load and in some instances stops you seeing the website at all. I can't wait to learn it however, it is a string I have always longed to have on my bow.

I received my Country Living magazine yesterday but there has not been enough time to read it. We were out last night at Mr Drew and Mr Clive's and when we got home late it was there on the side ready for me. I was sitting in bed in the dim light of morning flicking through with bubbling excitement at all the country Christmas goings on. I can't wait to get home to finish it. Deck the halls I say with shaker stockings and garlands of Rosa glauca.

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