06 February, 2003

Since waking I have marvelled at the invention of central heating and hot running water, I have looked aghast at a little slapper of a schoolgirl who looked like she was enroute to a brothel not a school and then looked in pity at a grown man (the wrong side of 30) with a skateboard.
What is happening? It can't just be the fault of the BBC. One does wonder what would happen to these men if call up papers fell on to their doormats. When you think of World War 1 when kids of 14 were getting shot to pieces for our future and "men" of today are skateboarding in company carparks - it's all a bit warped really. Cruel. What a waste.
I think I should end on that note and ask you all if you can to have a minute silence for those poor kids in the trenches as we'll never see their kind again.

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