18 February, 2003

I only racked up 4,000 steps yesterday which is "average" - a bit of a kick in the teeth as I would never like to be considered as being average. Apparently 4,000 = Average, 7,000 = good for health and 10,000 = weight loss. So I have got to put a little bit of effort in.
I think I may go for a mince around the park at lunch time. I have got to shift the jelly or the ladyfriend will start being known as the "Chubby chaser".
I am beginning not to trust the Greeks, Easy Jet are pulling a fast one with their claims to being a budget airline. The ladyfriend and I are trying to get out to Spain in May. They can get us out for £40 but want in excess of £100 to get us back. I say where is the sense in that? They trick you like drug pushers to get you hooked on foreign travel then drive you into prostitution when you want more. I say avoid the white line of the runway and you will be a better person, if not a bit limited to a fortnight in Broadstairs.

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