22 January, 2003

Another bad night's sleep, what's the matter with the ladyfriend and I? We were both tired out when we went to bed but were clearly over tired. I think we are both over excited. Things are looking rather rosey for the ladyfriend and I at the moment and I don't think we can believe are luck.
Just as we were beginning to drop off last night we suddenly heard a tremendous drone from the night sky, "my God a doodle bug, it's begun " I thought but no, it was a police helicopter on a man hunt! I ran for my camera in case I had to have my day in court but sadly in all the excitement I didn't get any snaps. Just as I had managed to turn it on it was all over. A big police car drove away with the criminal and the 'copter' headed back into the darkness.
Well, I was gripped in a fit of adrenalin after that. All I could imagine was the infra red camera and some bad chap running behind trees in a relentless battle to hide - no match for technology these days, hurrah, the rozzers got their man. All the ladyfriend said was "You should have been here for the ram raid" ......where has poor Lola moved to!?

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