31 December, 2002

New Years Eve today, what a year it's been for Lola. I've travelled extensively, holidayed in places where the natives have rings through their noses, improved my appreciation of wine, listened to some of the finest music, attended concerts of the highest note, eaten in the finest of restaurants and grown fantastic runner beans.

I like to think, also, that my character has improved, I've certainly had a bigger speaking part this year, oh how I crave the spotlight yet shy away from glamour - funny that.

I only seem to have upset a couple of people this year instead of the normal handful, hopefully I have brought happiness to a few, not like Diana who touched the hearts of millions (surely a woman who believed in quantity not quality) Anyhow, I wish all my readers the best of times for 2003, let's hope we can nip this trouble with the Gulf in the bag, atleast improve our stroke anyway.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice, i just added up lots of bran-new emo backgrounds at my blog