02 January, 2003

The ladyfriend and I went to Brighton yesterday to see the damage to the pier, it was sad to see the old lady in a state of collapse.....and the old pier. It was lovely to see the sea, it was as rough as an unmarried mother with learning difficulties and it was quite bracing to stand on the beach.
We had half a pint of shandy in the White Horse and left happy and content.
Dined with Mr Clive and Mr Drew in the evening as it was Mr Clive's 36th birthday. They have a French lady in the house who comes from the Dijon area. I asked if there were many mustard factories there and she replied "yes" which I feel improved Anglo/Franco relations enormously.
As a consequence I absolutely heave of garlic today, got so tight that I forced the ladyfriend to drive me to work and I now have to face a day of labour at a provincial newspaper very much the worse for wear.................

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