11 February, 2009

Have you seen this man?

Peculiar day. I stood at the bus stop this morning and it were as if I had been given a new pair of spectacles because everything seemed so vivid and - dare I say it - beautiful. I was listening to some of my 'housey, housey' music and I looked up into the air at one of the more uplifting movements and a murder of crows streamed over head, it would have brought a tear to my eye were it not for the fact that I am terribly cold hearted.
As I stepped off of the bus (that was late, but no matter) the bus shelter had been messed up with graffiti but instead of my customary 'tut' and resentment I marvelled at the use of purple on a dark green background - almost like the Wimbledon Tennis corporate colours.
Lunch was odd. Shanna and I drove to the local M&S choosing the back roads to avoid traffic and as we weaved our way into the back of the retail park (no swings and slides here though kids) we felt as though we had arrived on a crime re-enactment scene. A young girl was walking with a ruck sack (probably to her death) a BMW raced in front of us and builders straight out of central casting toyed with their lorries, all it needed was an old lady to walk out with a shopping trolley and a yap yap dog and we would be there. It was most peculiar. It was almost too normal to be real.

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