If you could see me now I would be turning in my grave. The other night I was shaking my 'arse in the kitchen to Gaydar Radio (that and Chill are the only two Digital Stations of choice chez Lola) when a fab record came on which made me chop my veg with gusto. At first I thought it was an inspired dance mix of Fade to Gray, it had an eighties feel to it. I disco shimmied over to read the "now playing.." display on the radio and to my total horror I discovered, as the words slowly scrolled along, that it was K E L L Y B L O O D Y O S B O U R N E ! Oh me oh my. Ofcourse it was the disco bunny mix by Chris Cox and not the plain version for radio but all the same it's Kelly Bloody Osbourne. I've been playing it non stop since.
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