14 January, 2008

I've lost count of my Nigella it's a knockout. I've done the Butternut Squash With Pecans & Blue Cheese which didn't go down too well, the Mirin-Glazed Salmon was a hit but the rib sticking stir fry with cannellini beans was a blot on Nigella's copy book - na da, na da, na da!
Cooking has ceased to be a joy, or rather eating has, since I had a new filling on one of my back four on Tuesday. The man was nothing more than a butcher! I think I've been overfilled and I think it will be months before I've ground it down to a sensible level. I did think though, whilst he was packing it in if, like the master craftsmen who built our splendid cathedrals, he had left a little mark as a signature on his work. I may have a grotesque smiling face or two dogs fornicating scratched into my molar....you never know.

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