16 December, 2007

I have not been much of a chatty kathy lately, I'd like to say it's because I have been so busy with festive parties and ofcourse my charity work but it's not. Most of my time on-line these days is spent ordering Christmas presents, what did we do before Play.com? The Wife and I were in Windsor today and if it wasn't for the rolls of wrapping paper in Smiths and roast chestnuts being sold in the train station you'd never know the big day was a week away. Shopping was a breeze, gone are the days of twenty minute queues to the tills and elbows in faces these days present buying is a doddle.
Mind you, my best laid plans have gone squew whiff, I had planned to go out yesterday and finish the wife off (her presents, not murder) but I have fallen fowl of the dreaded cold bug and couldn't face it. I have been waking up in the middle of the night with snot on my face sounding like the elephant man. Not only that, I seem to have buggered my back at the gym. I'm necking sherry to ease the pain and at this rate I'll pile back the pounds that I left on the treadmill. A girl can't win.

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