11 April, 2005

Well, what a smashing time the ladyfriend and I had at Windsor on Saturday. It was quite a carnival atmosphere as I was battered against the railings. The Royal town was fit to bursting and I was proud to be there with my little flag. My pictures weren't too bad - I should have them up on Lola tomorrow - unfortunately the only Royal we managed to capture on camera was Princess Anne. Charles and Camilla whizzed by too quickly and we have a blur where they should have been. The ladyfriend was official photographer so I'm saying nothing.

It was a magnificent day out for all the family though, security was tight, SWAT teams were on the rooftops, coppers were pulling odd looking gentlemen out of the crowds and men with little radios eyed us with caution. It was quite thrilling.

We saw a few familiar faces from the tv screen. Trinnie and Susannah, Piers Morgan and Janet Street Porter. We also saw the odious Peter Tatchell. He was waving a placard about wanting gay marriage. He stood next to us like the grim reaper. "We've got the partnership register haven't we?" I said to him. He looked at me like he was looking at Judas himself and said "It's not equality!" I shrugged and said "It's enough for me"

It was a brilliant turnout for the golden couple and I was pleased. Ofcourse, as expected, the papers the next day were full of praise and nice words. Too little too late is what I say! More tomorrow, I'm off now for my lunch - a gammon salad in a plastic container - wish me well.

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