29 April, 2005

Just been making some tea in the staff canteen/restroom/call it what you will. It being Friday there aren't so many staff around - local paper deadlines have been met, adverts sold etc - and I was taken by the peace and quiet as I set up the tea tray and went about making refreshments the Windsor Way.

I could hear a blackbird's trill, the gentle hum of the refridgerator and the gurgle of the kettle (which was filled perilously close to maximum)and I felt as though I was in a secret garden of solitude. I felt at one with myself and the world.

It's a great start to the weekend which I reckon will be played at break neck speed. The ladyfriend and I have house guests at the coast. Mr C and Mr D are joining us at our seaside retreat. My C is rather tall and I fear for the chandelier, however, I will make good use of his height, I shall employ him to chop some lovely ivy for my Jack in the green head dress on Monday. I'm looking forward to wearing my elf ears.

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