What a terrible, tragic evening. Last night I had to go and pick the ladyfriend up from work. It was dark but I suddenly realised that the light coloured blobs on the road were not leaves but frogs. Oh my God, I thought, they are all going to die. Obviously last night was the night when they were programmed to head for the river that runs through my part of the world. Trouble is, it is cut off by three major roads. I tried to drive carefully but on return with the ladyfriend in the car I could see absolute devastation. All over the road were splattered frogs, utter carnage. I tried to guide the car away from the live ones but I saw people behind me oblivious to the poor little things.
When I slowed down so I wouldn't kill one the ladyfriend said 'come on, get a life' I shut my eyes as proceeded along. She said that nature would provide and that it was survival of the fittest etc, but mother nature could not possibly have taken into consideration the motor car.
When we got home I ran in to get an old newspaper so I could scoop up one that I had seen alive but by the time I had got back to it it was no more.
This morning as I walked to the bus stop I lost count of the mutilated bodies of frogs that had tried but failed to get to their breeding grounds, it looked like the Somme - they stood no chance.
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