31 March, 2005

Had a few 'issues' on the bus this morning. First off, I was diddled out of 15p by the bus driver. Foreign fella, obviously sending the money back home for his uncle's eye operation. But I let it go, I toddled off to my seat feeling awkward and tried to tot up where things had gone wrong in our exchange of ticket and cash.......I thought the asians were supposed to be good at maths.

Anyway, at a stop further along the road a boy got on who gets on everyday. He was late and ran for the bus and got on puffed out. I knew how he felt as I was running a little behind myself this morning. Long story but it involved getting shampoo in my eye. It stung to buggery - Lord knows what it must have done to the rabbit. Anyway, the boy was scrambling around in his pocket and a look fell across his face of sheer horror and panic. He hadn't enough change and looked to the driver for some sign of generosity. None came, horrible little man. I rose up from my seat and walked towards him, how much do you need? I asked. The boy was deeply grateful, I did my little bit of altruism for the day and everyone on the bus was happy - except the nasty bus driver. May his uncle go blind.

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