15 February, 2005

Last night the ladyfriend and I got into the swing of the Valentine's thing and dined at a uncomplicated bistro in Windsor. We drifted by restaurant windows packed with couples and red balloons. We were lucky to find somewhere and in the end we were seated in a bay window next to a red helium heart.

The food was rather lovely though and I had to undo a button on the drive home. Infact, the amount of food I have tucked away in the last few days doesn't bare thinking about. Two chinese banquets, a fish supper, two portions of stew and last night's platter - my calorie 'in-out' ratio does not make good reading. I feel like a Pate de foie gras duck at the moment, it's as much as I can do to waddle to the bathroom to bathe my folds of overlapping flesh.

Yesterday was the day when all of nature finds a mate, I must get cracking with building bird boxes, I don't want my tits to have a housing problem.

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