02 February, 2005

I've had a bit of a re-fit with the website, the paint's still not dry and the fumes are intoxicating but I think I rather like it. I was shocked into shame to discover last night that I had reached my upload limit so I had to jettison a lot of nonsense that I have had in my files for ages. It was touch and go letting go if you see what I mean.

I am filled with a renewed optimism today, I don't know where it has come from but I welcome it gladly. I have also just been speaking to a very nice gent who wanted me to update some details about his medieval jousting tournament which is on the website at work. He was a lovely bloke, he had all the time in the world and was incredibly cheerful, he's sending me free tickets for the event, what a nice man. Retired no doubt. My Super Step Dad is the same, they seem to emit a kind of relaxed happiness and charm. Today, I am going to pretend I am retired and am just coming into work for a bit of pin money and a bit of company. I shall suck on a Wurthers Original and doze off about 3.

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