Carol Hatfield - the nicest American in the world has sent me this picture of a Goldfinch in her garden. Carol lives with extreme temperatures - note the snow on the bird bath. Mind you, she's sitting in Hawaii at the moment, slurping on Mai Tais with a lap top on her lap. Carol's quite the jet setter, I picture her in my head bouncing from one location to the next, she rarely stands still. She sent me a very nice philosophical email today. We were talking about life and stuff and she quoted:
we have to live our life going forward, but we can only understand it in reverse
I like that, infact I was sent another one from Wulfie in Watford. Instead of sending me one of those chain joke emails which go on forever and are only then mildly amusing, he copied me in on this Zen one:
It is not necessary to
Reject activity and seek quiet;
Just make yourself inwardly
Empty while outwardly
Then you will be at peace in
The midst of frenetic activity
In the world
- Sokei-an Sasaki
So today I am feeling rather laid back and empty headed - no one has noticed any difference.
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