04 February, 2005

Carol Hatfield - the nicest American in the world - has sent me this picture from Pine City, what a nice name for a town....or City come to think of it. I bet it smells fresh, like toilet cleaner, when the sap rises. (by the way Carol your Eddi Reader DVD's are on their way.....I've been a bit slack with my trips to the post office, sorry)

This morning, as a break from porridge, I had jam on toast. Not your usual jam though, it was the nicest jam going, Tip Tree jam. I have found a shop locally that stocks the whole range! Not just strawberry, black currant and cherry but Medlar, Little Scarlet Strawberry, Wild Blueberry, green fig and Christmas jam! Now, I must stop there with the list before I get too many hits from people googling for fruity websites but I must get my happiness across. The conserve shelves are heaving at the Jumbo supermarket in Cosy Corner..........imagine, I used to have to ask for Cosy Corner when I got on a bus, I'd do it gladly now but at the age of 14 it was quite humiliating.

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