24 January, 2005

Went off road in my new boots at the weekend. The ladyfriend and I got absolutely covered in mud, had a few map 'issues' but all in all we had a lovely time. We were out Stokenchurch way where huge Kites swooped above us. We saw all manner of wildlife, a few dead rabbits, bouncing bunnies, dogs and chomping horses but best of all, we heard an owl! It was a stereotypical hoot that you might hear in a black and white horror film, it was fab. Quite what it was doing at three O'clock in the afternoon is anyone's guess. I thought they were nocturnal.

Today is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. I don't know about that, I'm feeling rather chipper. I dare say, Hallmark cards are behind it all. I should imagine if you enter Clintons next year there will be a display of greetings cards to mark the occassion. 'Don't be so sad, life aint so bad' or 'To my wife during this time of gloom' you know the sort of thing, there is bound to be one with that dreadful Ricky Gervais on the front as well - the thought makes me shudder.

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