06 January, 2005

On the way to work this morning I thought I saw that Jon Bon Jovi man attempting to execute a tricky manoeuvre in rush hour traffic. I don't suppose it was him for an instant - I am trying to stop spotting household names and celebrities in public. The first step on the road to recovery from mental disease is to deny the existence of Sue Pollard by the pic 'n' mix in Woolworths.

I shall put it down to not sleeping well this week, the mind plays tricks when one is tired. I shall prepare myself a Horlicks tonight (which, by the way, has become suddenly trendy) and I shall hopefully float off like an untied boat sinisterly let loose by the harbourside.

The Ladyfriend and I were both reminiscing the other night about the joy of being carried to bed as children. I don't think there is a nicer feeling than that of being lifted up, tossed over a shoulder by your dad and then seeing the stairs below out of fuzzy eyes. Oh the nostalgia.......still, when I become aged I shall get myself a stanna stairlift and recreate the feeling.

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