14 January, 2005

On the radio this morning in the car they played The Mission theme tune by Ennio Morricone. I was coming over the bridge which spans the M40 and I had time to look down on to the traffic below as it was a bit of a snarl up and I was quite moved. The music was stirring stuff and I thought to myself, there is beauty in all things.....especially when it's accompanied by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

Actually, I was a bit miffed. When I got to the London Road I let a young gent out. I saw him fiddle with his radio and as soon as he did gone was Grieg from my wireless and in was some kind of pirate drum and bass rubbish. This isn't the first time it's happened. The ladyfriend thinks it is a conspiracy to get us all to buy digital radios and she could be right....she's very rarely wrong.

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