11 January, 2005

It seems the global warming thing is coming on a pace. It's sodden and Gomorrah up in Scotland and now they've got trouble in the Colonies. We are all doomed. Just as my snow globe of a life has started to settle it looks as though I might be drowned in my nightie. Oh please let it be quick.

I have a bit of a theory about the constant advice to drink more water to look beautiful and lose weight. I think it's funded by the Government. I reckon, by appealing to women's vanity they think they might stem the tide and keep London above water for a bit longer. Ofcourse, what goes in must come out, but I reckon a third of the fluid must become absorbed into the flesh and bones. So, if enough ladies (men rarely bother about their appearance - even the homosexual) drink 2 litres a day the UK will be ok for a bit longer. So, it will be women who save the planet afterall.

What we do need is a nice Victorian gentleman who will busy himself with an invention to pipe the excess to the moon using household waste and ladies hosiery but alas, this is the 21st Century and genius has left the planet - we can't even build a successful bridge across the Thames these days!

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