17 January, 2005

Cor blimey, it was hard to get out of bed this morning. I felt a bit like an over baked pizza stuck to the baking sheet. I had to use extreme force to prize my body from the mattress. I've come off it worse for wear aswell. This weekend has come and gone in a puff of smoked salmon and I'm back to work in an instant, the only thing faster from start to finish is a packet of Angel Delight.

I have had a rare old time though. Friday the Ladyfriend and I went for a mince around Windsor. We went to Windsor Farm Shop but didn't catch old Lizzie with a price gun - she must have been on her break.

On Saturday we went to Dan's party which was smashing. It was a toga/beach party and the Ladyfriend and I had a lovely time. Gorged myself at the buffet table again - I know no restraint. Ham baps have always been my downfall. Pictures of the night can be found here.

Yesterday, despite my protestations, we went for a walk with Mr C and Mr D around a Wildfowl reservoir on the River Thames. It was rather good. Came back caked in mud. I had to tuck my jeans into my socks and must have looked a little bit 'special' as I trundled around the waterside. I took some splendid photos which I may give to National Geographic.

An update on the birdtable: Since introducing some new food I have managed to attract more birds, I had two tits on Sunday. Finches would make my day.

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