04 January, 2005

Back at work after a rather gluttonous break, I don't know what is worse - the amount I consume or the lack of will power. The Ladyfriend and I went for a keep fit trek along the seafront on Sunday from the pier to Sovereign Harbour. It was quite a bracing walk and I felt the pounds slither off my belly with every step. However, when we turned up at the millionaires playground, a warming coffee in the Italian Restaurant turned into pizza and beer! All that effort down the pan. So I sit here now lardy and full of remorse. My new year's resolutions at the moment are: I intend to get fit, I will take up Yoga, Italian, wine appreciation and photography. This time next year I will be able to order my ciabatta in the lotus position.

Re: The tsunami. The ladyfriend said something rather profound on Sunday after the Archbishop of Canterbury questioned the existence of God she turned to me and said 'I think it is God questioning the existence of Man' - she's rather deep sometimes.

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