04 August, 2004

I do enjoy extreme weather conditions, yesterday afternoon was quite a hoot - obviously not for the poor devils hit by lightning. I must admit the ladyfriend and I diced with death by standing out in it for a minute, the folly of youth.......mind you we are both the wrong side of thirty.

This work thing is a bit of a bore, I've yet to receive an investor for my Isle of Wight idea, perhaps I should take an advert out in Private Eye and hook a rich benefactor such as Mr Fahed. I'm after an Ambromovich, I'd be able to buy prize rare breeds with that sort of financial backing, during the slow months I'd let groups of impoverished Russian children run amok as long as they didn't touch the silver and kept off the Axminster. I don't know, so little time to do everything you'd like to in life. Goals and aspirations. Mind you Lady Luck has smiled on me so many times her face must ache.

Message to the Mijas Massive - sink a big gin and rub some high factor on some delicate places for the Ladyfriend and I.

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