12 August, 2004

The glorious twelth: Grouse shooting begins

Looks like the weather's going to be a bit ropey this weekend. Shame, it's Airbourne this weekend. Last year we sat on the beach and watched the Utterly Butterly Wingwalkers. This year we will need a brolly. It's quite lucky though, we can see the Red Arrows perform their daring displays from the flat, such is their altitude.

On the way down tomorrow I have asked the Ladyfriend if we may stop enroute at the British Wildlife Centre. We have past it so many times and it has always looked such an alluring place. I do find the natural world so engaging. Infact, I was saying this to the Ladyfriend last night, I feel I maybe a bit of a geek. The evidence is writ large - only this week I have booked a place on a fossil hunt in Folkestone and as you know my love of folk music is well documented. Oh, it's all my own doing. I will never be trendy, I will always be on the sidelines of the incrowd, dancing to the beat of a different drum, going down the Stoney End, I never wanted to go down the Stoney End.......

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