26 August, 2004

Feel a bit dicky this morning. I don't know if it's last night dinner - risotto - but both the Ladyfriend and I feel a bit jippy. To my mind if you consume something that has the texture and resemblance of vomit then, well, it's no surprise if you feel nausea. Rice dishes can often go either way. If it is true that you eat with your eyes then I should be hospitalised.

I had to correct the ladyfriend this morning as she has been singing a song with the wrong words all her life. She's still not convinced. Things like that happen often to myself, for example, it was only a few years ago that the ladyfriend told me that you lock zips by turning the pull thing down. I had given up wearing jeans without a button fly as the embarrassment of having a gaping front every time I sat down was too much. Now I know the secret I buy things with zips all the time. Infact it's become a bit of a mania.

Nine hours to go and then we are off to Eastbourne. I don't think there is a nicer word in the English language than the word "seafront."

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