10 June, 2004

These Thursdays are coming around quickly. The days are racing, the video tape of my life is on fast forward. I suppose it's because I am having fun. I am quite chirpy of late although today I have had the bowels of satan. I think I have been spiked by the ladyfriend's mother. I have resorted to Imodium which I must say does seem to have done the trick. Touch wood.........and the lavvy door handle.

This weekend I have to tackle the meadow, it has grown a bit too well. The different variety of grasses have grown taller than myself and it is rather resembling Steptoe's yard and not the country landscape I had hoped. I am cock-a-hoop at the amazing flowers - some would say weeds - that have flourished in the last few weeks. There are these amazing white star like flowers, they are quite possibly some kind of rare orchid. I do hope so, the back garden may become an area of outstanding natural beauty and I can charge ramblers a penny or two. I will also be able to sell cakes to the retarded who will visit my accompanying tearoom in great numbers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a retard - no offence taken - you've been gone a long time - Imodium not working? That'll be karma