02 June, 2004

Received an email today urging me to boycott ESSO and BP (who are apparently the same) in a bid to drive prices down. I'm all for a bit of consumer pressure and will gladly join in - even though no one helped when they changed the recipe for Heinz salad cream back in the 80's, where were my comrades then?

Watched the football last night after the end of Cutting It and I have decided I no longer like David Beckham. He really is chav scum. I read an excerpt from an interview of him in Vanity Fair this morning which sealed his fate. He said "me and Victoria" twice which deserves a slap round the chops for saying it once let alone a second time. The fact that his wife now intends to model her children sends me cold. I think it's about time to start the Beckham backlash, their brash materialism hasn't done this country any good. Consumer debt is now the highest it has ever been, due in part ,I am sure, by the Beckham's indulgences. The irony is, they don't actually stick their hands in their pockets. It's well documented how clothes, cars and gems are sent to them. Whilst those desperate to emulate them rack up debt after debt, the Beckham's remain minted.

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