28 April, 2004

I must sharpen my pencil, I am off tonight to a great institution of learning to absorb some knowledge. I do like attending the odd course or two, it's nice to keep one's hand in as it were.

This weather is a bit of a worry, especially after watching the trailer for The Day After Tomorrow.It's one of those disaster movies but about global warming. I want to see it and I'm sure it will make big money at the box office. I do wonder though, as the film will rake in millions it might be nice if they donate a huge wack to Friends of the Earth or the like. That would be nice, but unlikely.

It is rather scary. The ladyfriend were quite alarmed after watching a programme about the gulf stream stopping and the ice age coming to Norfolk. We are as they say "all doomed" but it might be nice, like an etch a sketch, for the world to start all over again and penguins to inherit the earth.

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