21 January, 2004

I was sitting in bed last night reading the Times - the very picture of middle England - I was flicking through the pages trying not to be too brain washed by what I consider to be the Daily Mail with longer words when I fell on the story about the Church of England. It seems it is up the creek, falling attendance and facing a financial crisis. They intend therefore to scrap the sabbath and put a Starbucks in every vestry.

I don't know if this is just a knee jerk reaction which the church is hoping will swell the congregation and kick up a stink but these are changing times indeed. What saddens me the most however is all of the Protestant martyrs in this country burnt at the stake by Bloody Mary. All so some spotty kid can whip up a skinny latte.

I do think the church has to move with the times and modernise a little, perhaps as Tesco have built their stores looking like churches the church should offer a shopping service. Maybe they could set up screens on the pews where you can select haloumi with a hallelujah.

Whatever happens this country is heading into its bleakest period. I just find it laughable that people are happy to except paganism, buddhism and dreamcatchers as trendy but titter in the face of Jesus.

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