16 December, 2003

The parlour is now jampacked with festive trimmings and quite wonderful. The ladyfriend and I were in a state of frenzy as we impaled fairy after fairy, gnome after gnome and polar bear after polar bear onto our prickly branches last night. I was suddenly struck with branch blindness when I could not see a spare frond for the life of me. I felt a little dizzy panic as I clutched a handful of angels with no room at the inn. Finally they are now at rest hither and thither around and about blowing their triumphant horns - their fate now to fall onto the carpet as the tree grows weary of its burden and the central heating.

I am filled with the excitement of Christmas as I can not wait to go into Tesco on the 24th and buy lots of lovely unusualness. I know not what I shall be cooking, if it has a yellow ticket on it it is going in my basket! It could be goose, it may be duck, it may be a shoulder of lamb or a punnet of cumquats, who knows? I just hope Tesco cock up their ordering and it will be a veritable Alladin's cave.

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