05 November, 2003

I have nearly completed my Christmas shopping and it is not yet December. This is the first time in my life I have been able to do this. I have not done it deliberately, everything seems to have fallen into place but it has left me feeling rather odd. Last night I had a sense that I had forgotten something, I sat like a sofa spud with Wife Swap on but my mind was trying to find what had slipped it. Last Christmas was a nightmare for the ladyfriend and I, we were all over the place and vowed it would never happen again. This year we have booked ourselves up solid for the next two months. We are off to the theatre to see Amadeus, booked for Maddy Prior, having our kitchen sorted (fingers crossed), I'm going on a Flash course (web not flesh), going to the Country Living Christmas Exhibition, eating wild boar and at some stage there is a christmas cake to make. Infact, we are busier than last year but because the presents are done I feel more secure than a chorus line girl booked up for the summer season.

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